Some of your constraints, in particular the first two, seem like they would not be practical in the real world in which AI would be deployed. On the other hand, there are also other things one could do in the real world which can’t be done in this kind of dialogue, which makes boxing theoretically stronger.
However, the real problem with boxing is that whoever boxes less is likely to have a more effective AI, which likely results in someone letting an AI out of its box or more likely, loosening the box constraints sufficiently to permit an escape.
Some of your constraints, in particular the first two, seem like they would not be practical in the real world in which AI would be deployed. On the other hand, there are also other things one could do in the real world which can’t be done in this kind of dialogue, which makes boxing theoretically stronger.
However, the real problem with boxing is that whoever boxes less is likely to have a more effective AI, which likely results in someone letting an AI out of its box or more likely, loosening the box constraints sufficiently to permit an escape.