From what I’ve seen, it’s not rare at all. I count… myself and at least 7 other people who’ve expressed the sentiment in private across both this year and last year (it happened last year too). It is, however, something that is very difficult for people to speak up about. I think what’s going on is that different people care about differing portious of the solstice (community, message, aesthetics, etc) to surprisingly differing degrees, may have sensory sensitivites or difficulty with multiple audio input streams, and may or may not find children positive to be around in principle. I think this community has far more people for whom noisy children destroy the experience than the base rate of other communities.
From what I’ve observed, the degree to which children ruin events for certain people is almost completely lost on many others. It’s difficult to speak up largely because of sentiments like yours, which make it feel like people will think that I’m going against the idea of the community. For me, and I don’t think I’m exceptionally sensitive, I think it removes between a third and half of the value of going to the event.
I typically don’t mind children being present at events (if taken outside if they begin screaming) and don’t have particularly strong sensory issues. I imagine that people with either of those would have had an even worse time than I did.
From what I’ve seen, it’s not rare at all. I count… myself and at least 7 other people who’ve expressed the sentiment in private across both this year and last year (it happened last year too). It is, however, something that is very difficult for people to speak up about. I think what’s going on is that different people care about differing portious of the solstice (community, message, aesthetics, etc) to surprisingly differing degrees, may have sensory sensitivites or difficulty with multiple audio input streams, and may or may not find children positive to be around in principle. I think this community has far more people for whom noisy children destroy the experience than the base rate of other communities.
From what I’ve observed, the degree to which children ruin events for certain people is almost completely lost on many others. It’s difficult to speak up largely because of sentiments like yours, which make it feel like people will think that I’m going against the idea of the community. For me, and I don’t think I’m exceptionally sensitive, I think it removes between a third and half of the value of going to the event.
I typically don’t mind children being present at events (if taken outside if they begin screaming) and don’t have particularly strong sensory issues. I imagine that people with either of those would have had an even worse time than I did.