Richard: Thanks for the link; that looks like a bunch of O.B. posts glommed together; I don’t find it any more precise or convincing than anything here so far. Don’t get me wrong, though; like the suggestive material on O.B. it is very interesting. If it simply isn’t possible to get more concrete because the ideas are not developed well enough, so be it.
For the record, my nickname is taken from a character in an old Disney animated film, a (male) deer.
Richard: Thanks for the link; that looks like a bunch of O.B. posts glommed together; I don’t find it any more precise or convincing than anything here so far. Don’t get me wrong, though; like the suggestive material on O.B. it is very interesting. If it simply isn’t possible to get more concrete because the ideas are not developed well enough, so be it.
For the record, my nickname is taken from a character in an old Disney animated film, a (male) deer.