I like this model a lot, definitely my favourite post from your sequence so far[1].
So the fundamental question we need to answer is: how do I unhook? But “you” don’t unhook. Local awareness unhooks from the “you” that plans to unhook. One of the reasons we have not been able to unhook easily is because the “I” can’t do it. —Shift into Freedom by Loch Kelly (2015)
This prompted interesting effects. I tried to indirectly unhook using the same mental motion I developed in lucid dreaming to load concepts indirectly into my background context, which in that setting causes newly procedurally generated dreamscape to be seeded with that concept. It’s something like holding the intention/broadcasting to the system as a whole what you’d like to be there, without the normal motion of sending it as a command or discrete information packet. Kinda holding the information and letting other parts see it, rather than sending it to them. Also highly related to the mental motions I use for influencing various autonomic systems. This I think just worked and produced an altered state which let me see some of the situations I’ve been in from useful perspectives, and maybe lead to untangling a long-standing interpersonal challenge.
The others cover maybe more important ideas, but less novel as I’d re-derived the core model of consciousness as this form of self modelling after reading the sequences and GEB in like 2012. The trance and DID bits added some detail, but this one feels like a strong clarification of some things I’ve come across in an ontology I’m happy with.
I like this model a lot, definitely my favourite post from your sequence so far[1].
This prompted interesting effects. I tried to indirectly unhook using the same mental motion I developed in lucid dreaming to load concepts indirectly into my background context, which in that setting causes newly procedurally generated dreamscape to be seeded with that concept. It’s something like holding the intention/broadcasting to the system as a whole what you’d like to be there, without the normal motion of sending it as a command or discrete information packet. Kinda holding the information and letting other parts see it, rather than sending it to them. Also highly related to the mental motions I use for influencing various autonomic systems. This I think just worked and produced an altered state which let me see some of the situations I’ve been in from useful perspectives, and maybe lead to untangling a long-standing interpersonal challenge.
The others cover maybe more important ideas, but less novel as I’d re-derived the core model of consciousness as this form of self modelling after reading the sequences and GEB in like 2012. The trance and DID bits added some detail, but this one feels like a strong clarification of some things I’ve come across in an ontology I’m happy with.