In your opinion, what is the age and the average level of study of the users of LessWrong ?
We have a census that tells you the answer:
Thank you !
To the question, the average age is 27.6; the average level of study is a completed Bachelor’s degree.
Auxiliary question—do we know if a 2015 survey is planned?
Apparently there are yearly surveys and I expect one. I expect the preparatory post soon.
In your opinion, what is the age and the average level of study of the users of LessWrong ?
We have a census that tells you the answer:
Thank you !
To the question, the average age is 27.6; the average level of study is a completed Bachelor’s degree.
Auxiliary question—do we know if a 2015 survey is planned?
Apparently there are yearly surveys and I expect one. I expect the preparatory post soon.