Just buy high quality stuff from black markets. It’s pretty simple. If you ask around you should be able to find a local hook who has some, just stay updated with the scene.
That is improper. I prefer lawful transactions sanctioned by the expert opinions.
You can get 2 ‘doses’ of crystal MDMA here in Melbourne for $50 from ‘Alex’. But who knows how good it is. Dealers don’t sell purity kits and they were banned as of a few months ago from the dodgy stores like Off Ya Tree and that place near Flinders station.
Just buy high quality stuff from black markets. It’s pretty simple. If you ask around you should be able to find a local hook who has some, just stay updated with the scene.
That is improper. I prefer lawful transactions sanctioned by the expert opinions.
You can get 2 ‘doses’ of crystal MDMA here in Melbourne for $50 from ‘Alex’. But who knows how good it is. Dealers don’t sell purity kits and they were banned as of a few months ago from the dodgy stores like Off Ya Tree and that place near Flinders station.