I favor a lot of posting and commenting, at least initially. It’s not clear to me what kinds of ideas and communication is going to be promoted by this community, and I think a wide variety of possible things for reader/commenter/providers to latch onto provides the most possibility of something interesting coming out of this.
As other commenters have said, I imagine people will lose enthusiasm or run out of ideas eventually anyway, and we’ll settle into a steadier state of posts/comments.
I favor a lot of posting and commenting, at least initially. It’s not clear to me what kinds of ideas and communication is going to be promoted by this community, and I think a wide variety of possible things for reader/commenter/providers to latch onto provides the most possibility of something interesting coming out of this.
As other commenters have said, I imagine people will lose enthusiasm or run out of ideas eventually anyway, and we’ll settle into a steadier state of posts/comments.