I don’t know what s.f is, but the interval around 1.73 is obviously huge, with 5-1-0 data points it’s quite narrow if your predictions are drawn from N(1, 1.73), that is what my next post will be about. There might also be a smart way to do this using the Uniform, but I would be surprised if it’s dispersion is smaller than a chi^2 distribution :)
(changing the mean is cheating, we are talking about calibration, so you can only change your dispersion)
I don’t know what s.f is, but the interval around 1.73 is obviously huge, with 5-1-0 data points it’s quite narrow if your predictions are drawn from N(1, 1.73), that is what my next post will be about. There might also be a smart way to do this using the Uniform, but I would be surprised if it’s dispersion is smaller than a chi^2 distribution :) (changing the mean is cheating, we are talking about calibration, so you can only change your dispersion)