Wow, thanks for this great article that was the final piece of information that tipped me over towards getting my shit together. Within 10 minutes after reading it and browsing the comments, I was on my bicycle going to buy small treats I like, that I now give myself for every achieved small goal (~2-10 min of work).
I now wonder though if maybe I should give myself another reinforcer when starting to work with a new goal, otherwise maybe I will only strive for finishing as fast as possible, but starting with a new small goal won’t be that much reinforced? Maybe this is my mind trying to get more candy though, so I would be thankful for outside perspective.
It worked with similar effectiveness as other techniques I implement—that means only until I have done enough to feel good about myself (2-5 productive days)...
Wow, thanks for this great article that was the final piece of information that tipped me over towards getting my shit together. Within 10 minutes after reading it and browsing the comments, I was on my bicycle going to buy small treats I like, that I now give myself for every achieved small goal (~2-10 min of work).
I now wonder though if maybe I should give myself another reinforcer when starting to work with a new goal, otherwise maybe I will only strive for finishing as fast as possible, but starting with a new small goal won’t be that much reinforced? Maybe this is my mind trying to get more candy though, so I would be thankful for outside perspective.
Have you been trying this? Any luck?
It worked with similar effectiveness as other techniques I implement—that means only until I have done enough to feel good about myself (2-5 productive days)...