you should want to be powerful yourself—so certainly go and exploit the society:)
the powerful are really not paying for it, and if they are it’s completely peanuts to them. If you are screwing up anyone by so-called leeching, it’s the middle class:) You are not bad to “them”, they don’t care about you one way or another.
I am rich and powerful (compared to you, at least), and I hereby command you to do it:)
Heh. I’m coming back to this, now that I’m in a different mindset.
you should want to be powerful yourself—so certainly go and exploit the society:)
Unfortunately, that leads to a “thrashing” unstable loop, because this:
Basically, the strong are morally justified—in a sense, morally compelled—to dominate and torment the weak, because they can. And the weak deserve every minute of it, because fuck them.
is cached shorthand for the actual system, which is “the powerful dictate morality”.
In general, “the powerful dictate morality” can be easily cached into “the strong deserve to dominate and torment the weak”, because most ways of gaining power over the weak involve dominating and tormenting them, so the people who have that mentality tend to get and keep power—hence a stable loop.
The problem is, when I find my own power rising, my external moral compass (“the powerful define morality”) notices that I’m entering that “powerful” reference class, and thus my internal moral compass (“don’t dominate others, and seek to distribute power fairly”) gains more moral weight.
As I said before, this leads to an unstable loop: while I’m powerless, my own internal moral compass doesn’t enter into the moral calculus, and therefore it is moral for me to dominate and torment others in order to gain power. But as that becomes successful, I become more powerful, and therefore my internal moral compass enters into the moral calculus—and suddenly, the actions I have taken to gain power are no longer morally justified.
Well then,
you should want to be powerful yourself—so certainly go and exploit the society:)
the powerful are really not paying for it, and if they are it’s completely peanuts to them. If you are screwing up anyone by so-called leeching, it’s the middle class:) You are not bad to “them”, they don’t care about you one way or another.
I am rich and powerful (compared to you, at least), and I hereby command you to do it:)
Heh. I’m coming back to this, now that I’m in a different mindset.
Unfortunately, that leads to a “thrashing” unstable loop, because this:
is cached shorthand for the actual system, which is “the powerful dictate morality”.
In general, “the powerful dictate morality” can be easily cached into “the strong deserve to dominate and torment the weak”, because most ways of gaining power over the weak involve dominating and tormenting them, so the people who have that mentality tend to get and keep power—hence a stable loop.
The problem is, when I find my own power rising, my external moral compass (“the powerful define morality”) notices that I’m entering that “powerful” reference class, and thus my internal moral compass (“don’t dominate others, and seek to distribute power fairly”) gains more moral weight.
As I said before, this leads to an unstable loop: while I’m powerless, my own internal moral compass doesn’t enter into the moral calculus, and therefore it is moral for me to dominate and torment others in order to gain power. But as that becomes successful, I become more powerful, and therefore my internal moral compass enters into the moral calculus—and suddenly, the actions I have taken to gain power are no longer morally justified.