This is the problem of multiplying a big number with a little number. It could zoom off to infinity, stabilize at a value, or shrink to nothing.
The scenario you presented seems to contain a lot of conditional probabilities, which to me make it pretty implausible. That said I don’t want to discount the idea because of the details. I think a runaway wealth gap is not an insignificant possibility.
In situations like this, I come down on the side of being aware of the possibilities, but try to remember that it’s unlikely. Brains are going to brain, so there is no helping aliefs. All I can do is give an answering voice to anxieties when they won’t shut up.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed it’s okay to step away for a bit. I’m not worried about discussing dark topics, but the impact on your current real life, as you mentioned it’s turned your world upside down. It’s good to recharge. Maybe get out in the green. If I’m misreading this, I apologize. I’d rather err on the side of reaching out.
Thank you for your reply. Indeed, this subject has become an extremely important part of my life, because I can’t accept this risk. Usually, when we consider the worst, there’s always an element of the acceptable, but for s-risks, there simply isn’t, and that disturbs me, even though the probability is, and I hope, very low. Only when I see that LLMs sometimes say how much they’re suffering and that they’re afraid of dying, which is a bad thing in itself if they’re really suffering, I think they might want to take revenge one day. But then again, maybe I should take a step back from the situation, even though it scares the hell out of me.
We aren’t there yet. Right now LLMs don’t want anything. It’s possible that will change in the future, but those would be completely different entities. Right now it’s more playing the role of someone suffering, which it gets from fiction and expectations.
Some time away from the subject of would likely be good for you. Nothing bad will happen if you take a few weeks to enjoy nature, and get your brain out of that constant stress response. You’ll think better, and feel better.
This is the problem of multiplying a big number with a little number. It could zoom off to infinity, stabilize at a value, or shrink to nothing.
The scenario you presented seems to contain a lot of conditional probabilities, which to me make it pretty implausible. That said I don’t want to discount the idea because of the details. I think a runaway wealth gap is not an insignificant possibility.
In situations like this, I come down on the side of being aware of the possibilities, but try to remember that it’s unlikely. Brains are going to brain, so there is no helping aliefs. All I can do is give an answering voice to anxieties when they won’t shut up.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed it’s okay to step away for a bit. I’m not worried about discussing dark topics, but the impact on your current real life, as you mentioned it’s turned your world upside down. It’s good to recharge. Maybe get out in the green. If I’m misreading this, I apologize. I’d rather err on the side of reaching out.
Thank you for your reply. Indeed, this subject has become an extremely important part of my life, because I can’t accept this risk. Usually, when we consider the worst, there’s always an element of the acceptable, but for s-risks, there simply isn’t, and that disturbs me, even though the probability is, and I hope, very low. Only when I see that LLMs sometimes say how much they’re suffering and that they’re afraid of dying, which is a bad thing in itself if they’re really suffering, I think they might want to take revenge one day. But then again, maybe I should take a step back from the situation, even though it scares the hell out of me.
We aren’t there yet. Right now LLMs don’t want anything. It’s possible that will change in the future, but those would be completely different entities. Right now it’s more playing the role of someone suffering, which it gets from fiction and expectations.
Some time away from the subject of would likely be good for you. Nothing bad will happen if you take a few weeks to enjoy nature, and get your brain out of that constant stress response. You’ll think better, and feel better.