Yeah, and the gushing tone of the blogger doesn’t help.
Maybe Nebulous’s remark wasn’t helpful, but I think what you should have done is read the paper yourself and posted your review and summary of it rather than just citing an intermediary (and apparently, before Nesov’s comment, without even an excerpt).
It wasn’t intended to be a refutation. The technical claims of the papers may be correct, they just aren’t,
as the linked article claims, about consciousness.
Oh, an explanation of z-consciousness. Well done. We’ll stack it with the others.
Consciousness. An open problem for 2700 years. Oh, hang on..: 2701.
How does the above constitute refuting, as opposed to ignoring, the content behind the link?
Yeah, and the gushing tone of the blogger doesn’t help.
Maybe Nebulous’s remark wasn’t helpful, but I think what you should have done is read the paper yourself and posted your review and summary of it rather than just citing an intermediary (and apparently, before Nesov’s comment, without even an excerpt).
It wasn’t intended to be a refutation. The technical claims of the papers may be correct, they just aren’t, as the linked article claims, about consciousness.