I’d consider adding exposure to specific company candidates most likely to participate / benefit from AGI, namely: Google, Microsoft, IBM, Amazon, etc…
Also, since you’re betting on a pretty drastic outcome, which is very likely not priced in correctly into the markets*, you should consider buying options instead of stocks. The cost to you is much cheaper, it’s easier to get more leverage, and they payout is much bigger for the extreme cases (in your favor).
* I gave a talk that touches on this point recently. The transcript should be up in the next few weeks.
I’d consider adding exposure to specific company candidates most likely to participate / benefit from AGI, namely: Google, Microsoft, IBM, Amazon, etc…
Also, since you’re betting on a pretty drastic outcome, which is very likely not priced in correctly into the markets*, you should consider buying options instead of stocks. The cost to you is much cheaper, it’s easier to get more leverage, and they payout is much bigger for the extreme cases (in your favor).
* I gave a talk that touches on this point recently. The transcript should be up in the next few weeks.