To make an user profile, set up an account on the Wiki, with the same name as your LessWrong account. Then make a user page for it. After a day, LW will automatically use that to make your profile page
How did you found out about Less Wrong? What’s been the most interesting part about the writings so far?
I found out about LW in a french video and then i just remembered the site name, Two or three months later I came visit the site and i read some post and i found it interesting so after that I came back and discover that the site was power by Reddit code and I check the reddit source code on github and then I discover it was a fsf(free software foundation) approved license so I decide to create an account plus I already was on reddit.
well for the reading i am only at the page number 23 (I just started) but so far:
why true, book 1 section 1 sub-section 3
Feeling Rational, book 1 section 1 sub-section 2
And for the help thanks I will try later.
NOTE: why your username is asd has it some thing to do with Autism spectrum disorder?
It’s interesting that you took such a note from the fact that LW is powered by reddit, why was that so interesting?
NOTE: why your username is asd has it some thing to do with Autism spectrum disorder?
No, not at all. It’s a version of “asdf” which is the first thing you write if you start to write nonsense on your keyboard, and it doesn’t have any explicit symbolism.
Because i try to avoid non-free software and sites but I make some exceptions for sites like google and etc because there are no good free alternative.
Hey less wrong.
I am Vicente and I am new here, i have been lurking here for one or two months and I have just created an account two or three weeks ago.
And right now I am reading Rationality: From AI to Zombies from Eliezer Yudkowsky.
some facts about me:
I live in Quebec city, Canada
I am under 18 but you will never know my age
I love computer science and I know php a little bit of c and html css (but those are not real programming languages)
I love and use free software (like in freedom)
the distro that I use is Debian gnu/linux
and that it!
and also:
i wanted to know howto have a bio in your user page like eliezer page.
Hi Vicente!
To make an user profile, set up an account on the Wiki, with the same name as your LessWrong account. Then make a user page for it. After a day, LW will automatically use that to make your profile page
How did you found out about Less Wrong? What’s been the most interesting part about the writings so far?
I found out about LW in a french video and then i just remembered the site name, Two or three months later I came visit the site and i read some post and i found it interesting so after that I came back and discover that the site was power by Reddit code and I check the reddit source code on github and then I discover it was a fsf(free software foundation) approved license so I decide to create an account plus I already was on reddit.
well for the reading i am only at the page number 23 (I just started) but so far:
why true, book 1 section 1 sub-section 3
Feeling Rational, book 1 section 1 sub-section 2
And for the help thanks I will try later.
NOTE: why your username is asd has it some thing to do with Autism spectrum disorder?
It’s interesting that you took such a note from the fact that LW is powered by reddit, why was that so interesting?
No, not at all. It’s a version of “asdf” which is the first thing you write if you start to write nonsense on your keyboard, and it doesn’t have any explicit symbolism.
Because i try to avoid non-free software and sites but I make some exceptions for sites like google and etc because there are no good free alternative.
But if there where I will be the first to switch.
NOTE: free as in freedom
That’s very interesting code of honour!
Do you have anything in mind on how you’d like to contribute on LW or do you have such plans?
I think I will be contributing to the discussion section and maybe when I get enough karma I will see what I can post in the main section.
I understand the concept of libre and non-libre software, but what are “non-free websites”?
non-free websites are websites that use non-free code (non-free license or are Proprietary)
but my philosophy is that if there not any free alternative then I will use the site anyway.
But any good free alternative I will be the first to switch.
NOTE: free as in freedom