While potentially a morbid approach, you could check with any of the area hospice providers/​organizations. They deal with people in very bad health situations all the time. Based on my experience (both parents died in 2017) end of live situations seem to get to a breathing ability management stage.
They might even be a source of oxygen machines that could be used if hospital ICU space is not available. (Not sure if those systems are included in the various counts people bandy around for the hospital ability to serve COVID-19 demands).
They can probably also give you advice on dealing with the situation where you would likely be feeling this might be an end of life situation for those people you care about. (If you have not been though that I can tell you, you are not prepared)
While potentially a morbid approach, you could check with any of the area hospice providers/​organizations. They deal with people in very bad health situations all the time. Based on my experience (both parents died in 2017) end of live situations seem to get to a breathing ability management stage.
They might even be a source of oxygen machines that could be used if hospital ICU space is not available. (Not sure if those systems are included in the various counts people bandy around for the hospital ability to serve COVID-19 demands).
They can probably also give you advice on dealing with the situation where you would likely be feeling this might be an end of life situation for those people you care about. (If you have not been though that I can tell you, you are not prepared)