“Some ordinary young man in college suddenly decides that everyone around them is staring at them because they’re part of the conspiracy.”
I don’t think that this is at all crazy, assuming that “they” refers to you (people are staring at me because I’m part of the conspiracy), rather than everyone else (people are staring at me because everyone in the room is part of the conspiracy). Certainly it’s happened to me.
“Poetry aside, a human being isn’t the seed of a god.”
A human isn’t, but one could certainly argue that humanity is.
“Some ordinary young man in college suddenly decides that everyone around them is staring at them because they’re part of the conspiracy.”
I don’t think that this is at all crazy, assuming that “they” refers to you (people are staring at me because I’m part of the conspiracy), rather than everyone else (people are staring at me because everyone in the room is part of the conspiracy). Certainly it’s happened to me.
“Poetry aside, a human being isn’t the seed of a god.”
A human isn’t, but one could certainly argue that humanity is.