As a quick addendum: If you’re interested in hearing about the Enneagram keys but weren’t at the previous meetup, you’ll get a lot more out of that discussion if you have some familiarity with the Enneagram beforehand. If you’re totally new to it, I’d suggest reading this webpage. Just two caveats:
You can safely stop after you’ve read the section on “Levels of Development.” I’m pretty sure the material on Directions of Integration and Disintegration is just pretty theory and doesn’t quite tie into reality the way an empirical claim should. I also don’t talk that much about the Instinctual Variants.
There’s a lot of fluff in Enneagram talk. It started out as a kind of sacred geometry and then went through several layers of having psychological theories woven into it. Despite its origins, though, empirically the system works extremely well in specific domains. Part of my goal in this presentation (if we elect for me to present it) will be to point out exactly how you can test it and precisely what results to expect. It’s not subtle. So please don’t be too surprised to find mystical language and dualism and other mental traps in Enneagram literature; it’s pretty ubiquitous, but unnecessarily so. There really is a rational version of the Enneagram, and that’s what I focus on and am offering to share.
As a quick addendum: If you’re interested in hearing about the Enneagram keys but weren’t at the previous meetup, you’ll get a lot more out of that discussion if you have some familiarity with the Enneagram beforehand. If you’re totally new to it, I’d suggest reading this webpage. Just two caveats:
You can safely stop after you’ve read the section on “Levels of Development.” I’m pretty sure the material on Directions of Integration and Disintegration is just pretty theory and doesn’t quite tie into reality the way an empirical claim should. I also don’t talk that much about the Instinctual Variants.
There’s a lot of fluff in Enneagram talk. It started out as a kind of sacred geometry and then went through several layers of having psychological theories woven into it. Despite its origins, though, empirically the system works extremely well in specific domains. Part of my goal in this presentation (if we elect for me to present it) will be to point out exactly how you can test it and precisely what results to expect. It’s not subtle. So please don’t be too surprised to find mystical language and dualism and other mental traps in Enneagram literature; it’s pretty ubiquitous, but unnecessarily so. There really is a rational version of the Enneagram, and that’s what I focus on and am offering to share.