I’ve noticed that sometimes, my System 2 starts falsely believing there are fewer buckets when I’m being socially confronted about a crony belief I hold, and that my System 2 will snap back to believing that there are more buckets once the confrontation is over. I’d normally expect my System 1 to make this flavor of error, but whenever my brain has done this sort of thing during the past few years, it’s actually been my gut that has told me that I’m engaging in motivated reasoning.
I’ve noticed that sometimes, my System 2 starts falsely believing there are fewer buckets when I’m being socially confronted about a crony belief I hold, and that my System 2 will snap back to believing that there are more buckets once the confrontation is over. I’d normally expect my System 1 to make this flavor of error, but whenever my brain has done this sort of thing during the past few years, it’s actually been my gut that has told me that I’m engaging in motivated reasoning.