I really enjoyed the parts of the post that weren’t related to consciousness, and it helped me think more about the assumptions I have about how the universe works. The Feynman quote was new for me, so thank you for sharing that!
However, when you brought consciousness into the post, it brought along additional assumptions that the rest of the post wasn’t relying on, weakening the post as a whole. Additionally, LessWrong has a long history of debating whether consciousness is “emergent” or not. Most readers here already hold fixed positions on the debate and would need substantial evidence to be convinced to change their position. Simply stating that “that idea feels wrong” doesn’t suffice, especially when many people often feel otherwise (notably, people who have spent time meditating and feel that they have become “one with the universe”).
That makes sense, thanks a lot for the feedback! I will be much more careful next time and try to keep sweeping assumptions out. Some ideas in here could definitely have worked without bringing in one of the most fundamental and notoriously hardest questions to answer.
I really enjoyed the parts of the post that weren’t related to consciousness, and it helped me think more about the assumptions I have about how the universe works. The Feynman quote was new for me, so thank you for sharing that!
However, when you brought consciousness into the post, it brought along additional assumptions that the rest of the post wasn’t relying on, weakening the post as a whole. Additionally, LessWrong has a long history of debating whether consciousness is “emergent” or not. Most readers here already hold fixed positions on the debate and would need substantial evidence to be convinced to change their position. Simply stating that “that idea feels wrong” doesn’t suffice, especially when many people often feel otherwise (notably, people who have spent time meditating and feel that they have become “one with the universe”).
That makes sense, thanks a lot for the feedback! I will be much more careful next time and try to keep sweeping assumptions out. Some ideas in here could definitely have worked without bringing in one of the most fundamental and notoriously hardest questions to answer.
Good day!