Science and Sanity looks pretty interesting. In the book summary it says he stressed that strict logical identity doesn’t hold in reality. Can you say more about how he builds up a logical system without using the law of identity? How does equational reasoning work for example?
Instead of speaking about identity, Korzybski advocates speaking about relations.
You can say “New York is bigger than Austin” without asking whether or not Austin is a big or small city and New York is a big or small city. If you have a good map, whether or not “New York is bigger than Austin” holds on the map corresponds to whether it holds for the territory.
That example is trivial and I doubt it’s very insightful on its own. Science and Sanity is a very complex book.
Science and Sanity looks pretty interesting. In the book summary it says he stressed that strict logical identity doesn’t hold in reality. Can you say more about how he builds up a logical system without using the law of identity? How does equational reasoning work for example?
Instead of speaking about identity, Korzybski advocates speaking about relations.
You can say “New York is bigger than Austin” without asking whether or not Austin is a big or small city and New York is a big or small city. If you have a good map, whether or not “New York is bigger than Austin” holds on the map corresponds to whether it holds for the territory.
That example is trivial and I doubt it’s very insightful on its own. Science and Sanity is a very complex book.