Do it anyway. Lead by example. Over time, you might find they become more used to the idea, particularly if they have someone who can help them with the paperwork and organisational side of things. If you can help them financially, so much the better.
If you are successfully revived, you will have plenty of time to make new friends, and start a new family. I’m not meaning to sound callous, but its not unheard of for people to lose their families and eventually recover. I’m doing everything I can to persuade my family to sign up, but its up to them to make the final decision.
I’d give my life to save my family, but I wouldn’t kill myself if I found myself alone.
Did you become vegetarian, despite the fact that you couldn’t persuade anyone else? Did your decision at least make some people at least consider the option seriously?
Yes, because unlike with being alive, being a vegetarian is something I don’t need company to do happily. I probably wouldn’t have become a vegetarian if it involved being shipped to the Isle of the Vegetarians, population: a lot of strangers, unless I could convince people to join me. I don’t think my vegetarianism has made anyone give really serious thought to the diet; the person who has reacted with the most thoughtfulness upon my disclosure has a vegan mother and I’m inclined to credit her for all his respect for not eating animals.
Well, the future will certainly be full of mostly strangers. If you can’t convince any of your current friends/family to sign up, you might be better of making friends with those that have already signed up. There are bound to some you would get along with (I’ve read OOTS since it started :-) )
If I ever have any success in convincing anyone else to sign up for cryonics, I’ll let you know how I did it (in the unlikely event that this will help!).
Do it anyway. Lead by example. Over time, you might find they become more used to the idea, particularly if they have someone who can help them with the paperwork and organisational side of things. If you can help them financially, so much the better.
If you are successfully revived, you will have plenty of time to make new friends, and start a new family. I’m not meaning to sound callous, but its not unheard of for people to lose their families and eventually recover. I’m doing everything I can to persuade my family to sign up, but its up to them to make the final decision.
I’d give my life to save my family, but I wouldn’t kill myself if I found myself alone.
I’d be more convinced of my ability to lead by example if I’d ever convinced anyone to become a vegetarian.
Did you become vegetarian, despite the fact that you couldn’t persuade anyone else? Did your decision at least make some people at least consider the option seriously?
Yes, because unlike with being alive, being a vegetarian is something I don’t need company to do happily. I probably wouldn’t have become a vegetarian if it involved being shipped to the Isle of the Vegetarians, population: a lot of strangers, unless I could convince people to join me. I don’t think my vegetarianism has made anyone give really serious thought to the diet; the person who has reacted with the most thoughtfulness upon my disclosure has a vegan mother and I’m inclined to credit her for all his respect for not eating animals.
Well, the future will certainly be full of mostly strangers. If you can’t convince any of your current friends/family to sign up, you might be better of making friends with those that have already signed up. There are bound to some you would get along with (I’ve read OOTS since it started :-) )
If I ever have any success in convincing anyone else to sign up for cryonics, I’ll let you know how I did it (in the unlikely event that this will help!).