When confronting something which may be either a windmill or an evil giant, what question should you be asking? There are some who ask, “If we do nothing, and that is an evil giant, can we afford to be wrong?” These people consider themselves to be brave and vigilant. Some ask, “If we attack it wrongly, can we afford to pay to replace a windmill?” These people consider themselves cautious and pragmatic. Still others ask, “With the cost of being wrong so high in either case, shouldn’t we always definitively answer the ‘windmill vs. evil giant’ question before we act?” And those people consider themselves objective and wise. But only a tiny few will ask, “Isn’t the fact that we’re giving equal consideration to the existence of evil giants and windmills a warning sign of insanity in ourselves?” It’s hard to find out what these people consider themselves, because they never get invited to parties.
-- Windmill, PartiallyClips
A good one, but a duplicate.