If we lived in the kind of universe where learning didn’t help, where drawing more-correct conclusions and fitting your behavior better to the environment didn’t help, then evolution and indeed biological life wouldn’t work either. The kind of world where maps don’t have anything to do with territories is a dead world, one in which there are no maps because becoming a mapper is worthless.
“Every communication is inaccurate” is inaccurate, but more-or-less true. “Every communication is equally inaccurate” is very much less accurate, to the point of being a flat lie.
After all, if communication didn’t work (better than non-communication), then there wouldn’t be any. The existence of falsehoods implies the existence of (relatively accurate) truths, because if there wasn’t such a thing as a truth, then why would we bother making up lies? A lie only fools anyone because they believe it to be a truth.
If we lived in the kind of universe where learning didn’t help, where drawing more-correct conclusions and fitting your behavior better to the environment didn’t help, then evolution and indeed biological life wouldn’t work either. The kind of world where maps don’t have anything to do with territories is a dead world, one in which there are no maps because becoming a mapper is worthless.
It’s a question of truth, you can be truthful that these things are maps, and yet nothing really changes, except you are meta-aware and no longer ignorant, it takes a radical shift in open-mindedness to see this, and I don’t mean it at all in the way you might think. Because the you, and many others, are so attached to their maps, they are stuck in a lie, in a maximum-security prison forever, but only because they have beliefs and maps.
I do agree with you on these points, it’s obvious, right? I know, but just because it’s obvious doesn’t mean it is the territory, because it’s not, it’s not at all. They are concepts we have, and because of our ego we can’t really let go of it.
You can discover the world, which is not a map, and because you’ll see how obvious this is, there won’t be anything more perfect, not even 1000 x sunsets or 1000 x “aha”-moments can compare.
“Every communication is inaccurate” is inaccurate, but more-or-less true. “Every communication is equally inaccurate” is very much less accurate, to the point of being a flat lie.
After all, if communication didn’t work (better than non-communication), then there wouldn’t be any. The existence of falsehoods implies the existence of (relatively accurate) truths, because if there wasn’t such a thing as a truth, then why would we bother making up lies? A lie only fools anyone because they believe it to be a truth.
It depends on what perspective, from the arational they are all the same, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But now I am writing as a map, from the arational. Not the arational itself, it exists beyond reasoning or understanding. Do you understand how different things matter in relation to what?
Communication can work just fine, but it’s still communication, you might believe that some communication is better than others, and it might be the case. But, it’s still what it is in relation to the arational. I don’t see any issue in some extreme rationalist having high expected value +, making excellent decisions, yet still being aware in relational to the arational it is all the same.
The existence of falsehoods implies the existence of (relatively accurate) truths, because if there wasn’t such a thing as a truth, then why would we bother making up lies? A lie only fools anyone because they believe it to be a truth.
Sure, this is obvious, but everything is still the way it is. We’re conditioned to say “THIS IS ME” “IM THIS” “IM SPECIAL” it screams “ego” “identity” and so forth. The universe IS, all of reality IS, and we’re IT.
It’s really silly.
If we lived in the kind of universe where learning didn’t help, where drawing more-correct conclusions and fitting your behavior better to the environment didn’t help, then evolution and indeed biological life wouldn’t work either. The kind of world where maps don’t have anything to do with territories is a dead world, one in which there are no maps because becoming a mapper is worthless.
“Every communication is inaccurate” is inaccurate, but more-or-less true. “Every communication is equally inaccurate” is very much less accurate, to the point of being a flat lie.
After all, if communication didn’t work (better than non-communication), then there wouldn’t be any. The existence of falsehoods implies the existence of (relatively accurate) truths, because if there wasn’t such a thing as a truth, then why would we bother making up lies? A lie only fools anyone because they believe it to be a truth.
It’s a question of truth, you can be truthful that these things are maps, and yet nothing really changes, except you are meta-aware and no longer ignorant, it takes a radical shift in open-mindedness to see this, and I don’t mean it at all in the way you might think. Because the you, and many others, are so attached to their maps, they are stuck in a lie, in a maximum-security prison forever, but only because they have beliefs and maps.
I do agree with you on these points, it’s obvious, right? I know, but just because it’s obvious doesn’t mean it is the territory, because it’s not, it’s not at all. They are concepts we have, and because of our ego we can’t really let go of it.
You can discover the world, which is not a map, and because you’ll see how obvious this is, there won’t be anything more perfect, not even 1000 x sunsets or 1000 x “aha”-moments can compare.
It depends on what perspective, from the arational they are all the same, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But now I am writing as a map, from the arational. Not the arational itself, it exists beyond reasoning or understanding. Do you understand how different things matter in relation to what?
Communication can work just fine, but it’s still communication, you might believe that some communication is better than others, and it might be the case. But, it’s still what it is in relation to the arational. I don’t see any issue in some extreme rationalist having high expected value +, making excellent decisions, yet still being aware in relational to the arational it is all the same.
Sure, this is obvious, but everything is still the way it is. We’re conditioned to say “THIS IS ME” “IM THIS” “IM SPECIAL” it screams “ego” “identity” and so forth. The universe IS, all of reality IS, and we’re IT.