While I’m amused by your existence, the “novelty account” meme is quite virulent and has the potential to lower the signal-to-noise ratio in the comments if everyone starts doing this...
There are only so many contextually appropriate novelty names available. It wouldn’t make much sense for someone to swoop in and begin posting in character as any random character. So far as I know, we’ve got Clippy, Voldemort and Quirinus Quirrel, and… one other, maybe?
If people showed up and began noticeably posting in character as random vaguely (anti-)rationality-related characters (Spock, Kamina, Pinkie Pie), we’d have a problem. Fortunately, they don’t.
While I’m amused by your account name, the “novelty account” meme is quite virulent and has the potential to lower the signal-to-noise ratio in the comments if everyone starts doing this...
That’s what we said when Clippy first started being ridiculous years ago. Luckily, it constrained itself to a few vanity posts, and the phenomena in general didn’t really take off.
Admittedly we’re just mostly annoyed that people think we’re such an account pretending to be an actual made-of-paper kind of machine, but so it goes.
Thanks for adopting my suggestion to publish more on paperclip-production-relevant topics.
While I’m amused by your existence, the “novelty account” meme is quite virulent and has the potential to lower the signal-to-noise ratio in the comments if everyone starts doing this...
There are only so many contextually appropriate novelty names available. It wouldn’t make much sense for someone to swoop in and begin posting in character as any random character. So far as I know, we’ve got Clippy, Voldemort and Quirinus Quirrel, and… one other, maybe?
If people showed up and began noticeably posting in character as random vaguely (anti-)rationality-related characters (Spock, Kamina, Pinkie Pie), we’d have a problem. Fortunately, they don’t.
A few others only wrote one or two comments each.
While I’m amused by your account name, the “novelty account” meme is quite virulent and has the potential to lower the signal-to-noise ratio in the comments if everyone starts doing this...
That’s what we said when Clippy first started being ridiculous years ago. Luckily, it constrained itself to a few vanity posts, and the phenomena in general didn’t really take off.
Admittedly we’re just mostly annoyed that people think we’re such an account pretending to be an actual made-of-paper kind of machine, but so it goes.
What is the story behind the account name, then?
It’s a favorite book of mine.