Education: B.Sc. Physics, M.Sc. Physics and currently midway through Ph.D. Physics.
Research interests: Dynamics, networks, dynamics over networks, statistical mechanics.
Newcomb: Commited to one-box if facing a decent Omega.
Prisoner: Cooperate if I judges that the other will.
I discovered OB some months ago (don’t remember how) and reads both OB and LW. For now, I am mostly a lurker.
I have been raised as a Catholic Christian and became atheist midway through high school. I think that Science should take a clear position on the topic of religions, for the good of mankind.
I plan to write top-level posts on some of the following topics when I will have the time (and the karma) to do so.
Beyond the fad: the word “emergence” carries > 0 information.
Telling the truth.
Universal priors.
Many Bayesian-related topics.
By the way, does the “be half accessible” request holds for LW too?
Handle: Pierre-Andre
Name: Pierre-André Noël
Age: 26
Gender: Male.
Location: Québec City, Québec, Canada
Education: B.Sc. Physics, M.Sc. Physics and currently midway through Ph.D. Physics.
Research interests: Dynamics, networks, dynamics over networks, statistical mechanics.
Newcomb: Commited to one-box if facing a decent Omega.
Prisoner: Cooperate if I judges that the other will.
I discovered OB some months ago (don’t remember how) and reads both OB and LW. For now, I am mostly a lurker.
I have been raised as a Catholic Christian and became atheist midway through high school. I think that Science should take a clear position on the topic of religions, for the good of mankind.
I plan to write top-level posts on some of the following topics when I will have the time (and the karma) to do so.
Beyond the fad: the word “emergence” carries > 0 information.
Telling the truth.
Universal priors.
Many Bayesian-related topics.
By the way, does the “be half accessible” request holds for LW too?
For those wondering what this conversation is about:
Contributors: Be Half Accessible, Overcoming Bias, December 21, 2006
Re: be half accessible—I’d say no. There are accessible posts aplenty here. But “don’t be gratuitously inaccessible” is still good advice.