When you can multiply you don’t need this or any other heuristic. You just do that. This method is a method of adding utility using System 1 instead of System 2 thinking, as you don’t round small disutilities to other people down to zero. Often if some action gives a good utility calculation in a separate case but doesn’t generalize, it may be not a good idea because of small disutilities it creates. And the technique I’m talking about is mostly useful when it’s difficult to put a number on the utilities in question. It’s similar to collecting all the losses and gains it gives to other people and applying them all to the person using the calculation. When it’s possible, the heuristic works, when it’s not possible, this method usually fails.
You can put numbers on utilities when it’s about lives or QALYs. A lot of important questions are this. The generalization method on the other hand may help when dealing with some more… trivial matters. Hurt feelings, minor inconveniences and so on. Less important, sure, but still quite common, I believe.
It fails in at least some conflicts, good catch. I’d have to think when it does and when it doesn’t and maybe update the post.
When you can multiply you don’t need this or any other heuristic. You just do that. This method is a method of adding utility using System 1 instead of System 2 thinking, as you don’t round small disutilities to other people down to zero. Often if some action gives a good utility calculation in a separate case but doesn’t generalize, it may be not a good idea because of small disutilities it creates. And the technique I’m talking about is mostly useful when it’s difficult to put a number on the utilities in question. It’s similar to collecting all the losses and gains it gives to other people and applying them all to the person using the calculation. When it’s possible, the heuristic works, when it’s not possible, this method usually fails.
You can put numbers on utilities when it’s about lives or QALYs. A lot of important questions are this. The generalization method on the other hand may help when dealing with some more… trivial matters. Hurt feelings, minor inconveniences and so on. Less important, sure, but still quite common, I believe.
It fails in at least some conflicts, good catch. I’d have to think when it does and when it doesn’t and maybe update the post.