I personally find conversations in person to be much more efficient and positive valence, such that if I talk to someone occasionally in real life and often on the internet I tend to save topics I think will be relatively important / high value for in person discussion.
In contrast I find internet conversation is often more conducive to fishing for high value ideas, since there’s so much more input.
This isn’t to say that high value conversations can’t happen on the internet or that that style might not be sufficient for some people, but I don’t think I could make texting someone next to me work for me. As an example, in past experience I’ve found myself crossing the office to make / elaborate on requests initially made over chat.
I personally find conversations in person to be much more efficient and positive valence, such that if I talk to someone occasionally in real life and often on the internet I tend to save topics I think will be relatively important / high value for in person discussion.
In contrast I find internet conversation is often more conducive to fishing for high value ideas, since there’s so much more input.
This isn’t to say that high value conversations can’t happen on the internet or that that style might not be sufficient for some people, but I don’t think I could make texting someone next to me work for me. As an example, in past experience I’ve found myself crossing the office to make / elaborate on requests initially made over chat.