The agent defined by wubbles is actually the agent called JustBot in the robust cooperation paper and which is proven to be non-exploitable by modal agents.
JusticeBot cooperates with anyone who cooperates with FairBot, and is exploitable by any agent which comprehends source code well enough to cooperate with FairBot and defect against JusticeBot. Though I’m going here off the remembered workshop rather than rechecking the paper.
The agent defined by wubbles is actually the agent called JustBot in the robust cooperation paper and which is proven to be non-exploitable by modal agents.
JusticeBot cooperates with anyone who cooperates with FairBot, and is exploitable by any agent which comprehends source code well enough to cooperate with FairBot and defect against JusticeBot. Though I’m going here off the remembered workshop rather than rechecking the paper.
You’re right, and wubbles’s agent can easily be exploited by a modal agent A defined by A(X)=C <-> [] (X(PB)=C) (where PB is PrudentBot).