Also, the nuclear family is absurd and unnatural, and we evolved to be raised by entire communities, not just by one mother and maybe one father. With too few adult caretakers, of course outcomes will be far worse.
Citation needed. Parents are biologically related to their children. Entire communities are not. Is there any evidence that humans have any evolved characteristics which make the nuclear family worse than community upbringing?
Parents are biologically related to their children. Entire communities are not.
Historically, the “community” did not refer to strangers who by accident live on the same street, but to people of the same village or tribe, which typically included cousins, aunts, uncles.
Citation needed. Parents are biologically related to their children. Entire communities are not. Is there any evidence that humans have any evolved characteristics which make the nuclear family worse than community upbringing?
Historically, the “community” did not refer to strangers who by accident live on the same street, but to people of the same village or tribe, which typically included cousins, aunts, uncles.