Those cities and houses don’t sound natural and livable. I’m not sure I could live there even if I thought that it might be more efficient for some higher goal.
If I had to envision an ideal humane architecture for countries, cities and houses I would follow the more than 200 architectural patterns of Christopher Alexander (that’s the one who is so highly regarded in software engineering for inventing pattern languages) which do capture best practices and derive an utopia from that . Some patterns of course would have to be done away with or adapted—those related to streets maybe and some might be added e.g. in case of air traffic—or should it be economical—tunnels.
‘A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction (Center for Environmental Structure Series)’ by Christopher Alexander 1978
on Google Books
A website devoted to the work: (gives only an impression of the patterns; is more about selling the book)
A warning: The book is really expensive. Don’t know why. But it is really great. I could easily apply some patterns in our house and garden and after reading it recognize working patterns in my municipality. If you want to learn what architecture really is I’d bet on this book.
If your idea is more like this one, then I have to disappoint you: The humane architecture of Christopher Alexander is primarily intended to tend to human interests and goals—even individual ones—and thus does require ‘user input’ to resolve ambiguities between general working patterns and indidual applicability.
This is the same as in software engineering: You have a set of patterns that are known to work well and produce effective (and beautiful) code—but need to be adapted to the specfic requirements to implement.
This is not to say that this cannot be automated in principle given a specification of the goals and interests to realize. But I guess this is an Ai-complete problem as it requires a thorough understanding of human interests (and language as specification).
Those cities and houses don’t sound natural and livable. I’m not sure I could live there even if I thought that it might be more efficient for some higher goal.
If I had to envision an ideal humane architecture for countries, cities and houses I would follow the more than 200 architectural patterns of Christopher Alexander (that’s the one who is so highly regarded in software engineering for inventing pattern languages) which do capture best practices and derive an utopia from that . Some patterns of course would have to be done away with or adapted—those related to streets maybe and some might be added e.g. in case of air traffic—or should it be economical—tunnels.
‘A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction (Center for Environmental Structure Series)’ by Christopher Alexander 1978 on Google Books
A website devoted to the work: (gives only an impression of the patterns; is more about selling the book)
A warning: The book is really expensive. Don’t know why. But it is really great. I could easily apply some patterns in our house and garden and after reading it recognize working patterns in my municipality. If you want to learn what architecture really is I’d bet on this book.
EDIT: fixed typos, cleanup
Could this model be used to aid procedural architecture?
Aid? Yes. But it’s not really clear what procedural architecture is.
The wikipedia article procedural modelling implies that architecture is not amenable to procedural modelling—because of the human user input.
The procedural architecture of reversibledestiny suggests something different entirely.
If your idea is more like this one, then I have to disappoint you: The humane architecture of Christopher Alexander is primarily intended to tend to human interests and goals—even individual ones—and thus does require ‘user input’ to resolve ambiguities between general working patterns and indidual applicability.
This is the same as in software engineering: You have a set of patterns that are known to work well and produce effective (and beautiful) code—but need to be adapted to the specfic requirements to implement.
This is not to say that this cannot be automated in principle given a specification of the goals and interests to realize. But I guess this is an Ai-complete problem as it requires a thorough understanding of human interests (and language as specification).