Thanks for these, I’ll take a look. After your challenge, I tried to think of where my impression came from. I’ve had a number of conversations with relatives on Facebook (including my aunt, who is in her 60′s) about whether GPT “knows” things; but it turns out so far I’ve only had one conversation about the potential of an AI apocalypse (with my sister, who started programming 5 years ago). So I’ll reduce confidence in my assessment re what “people on the street” think, and try to look for more information.
Re HackerNews—one of the tricky things about “taking the temperature” on a forum like that is that you only see the people who post, not the people who are only reading; and unlike here, you only see the scores for your own comments, not those of others. It seems like what I said about alignment did make some connection, based on the up-votes I got; I have no idea how many upvotes the dissenters got, so I have no idea if lots of people agreed with them, or if they were the handful of lone objectors in a sea of people who agreed with me.
This may be what I was thinking of, though the data is more ambiguous or self-contradictory:
Thanks for these, I’ll take a look. After your challenge, I tried to think of where my impression came from. I’ve had a number of conversations with relatives on Facebook (including my aunt, who is in her 60′s) about whether GPT “knows” things; but it turns out so far I’ve only had one conversation about the potential of an AI apocalypse (with my sister, who started programming 5 years ago). So I’ll reduce confidence in my assessment re what “people on the street” think, and try to look for more information.
Re HackerNews—one of the tricky things about “taking the temperature” on a forum like that is that you only see the people who post, not the people who are only reading; and unlike here, you only see the scores for your own comments, not those of others. It seems like what I said about alignment did make some connection, based on the up-votes I got; I have no idea how many upvotes the dissenters got, so I have no idea if lots of people agreed with them, or if they were the handful of lone objectors in a sea of people who agreed with me.