The basic guess regarding how o3′s training loop works is that it generates a bunch of chains of thoughts (or, rather, a branching tree), then uses some learned meta-heuristic to pick the best chain of thought and output it.
As part of that, it also learns a meta-heuristic for which chains of thought to generate to begin with. (I. e., it continually makes judgement calls regarding which trains of thought to pursue, rather than e. g. generating all combinatorially possible combinations of letters.)
It would indeed work best in domains that allow machine verification, because then there’s an easily computed ground-truth RL signal for training the meta-heuristic. Run each CoT through a proof verifier/an array of unit tests, then assign reward based on that. The learned meta-heuristics can then just internalize that machine verifier. (I. e., they’d basically copy the proof-verifier into the meta-heuristics. Then (a) once a spread of CoTs is generated, it can easily prune those that involve mathematically invalid steps, and (b) the LLM would become ever-more-unlikely to generate a CoT that involves mathematically invalid steps to begin with.)
However, arguably, the capability gains could transfer to domains outside math/programming.
There are two main possibilities here:
You can jury-rig “machine verification” for “soft domains” by having an LLM inspect the spread of ideas it generated (e. g., 100 business plans), then pick the best one, using the LLM’s learned intuition as the reward function. (See e. g. how Constitutional AI works, compared to RLHF.)
You can hope that the meta-heuristics, after being trained on math/programming, learn some general-purpose “taste”, an ability to tell which CoTs are better or worse, in a way that automatically generalizes to “soft” domains (perhaps with some additional fine-tuning using the previous idea).
That said, empirically, if we compare o1-full to Claude Sonnet 3.5.1, it doesn’t seem that the former dominates the latter in “soft” domains as dramatically as it does at math. So the transfer, if it happens at all, isn’t everything AI researchers could hope for.
Also, there’s another subtle point here:
o1′s public version doesn’t seem to actually generate trees of thought in response to user queries and then pruning it. It just deterministically picks the best train of thought to pursue as judged by the learned meta-heuristic (the part of it that’s guiding which trees to generate; see the previous point regarding how it doesn’t just generate all possible combinations of letters, but makes judgement calls regarding that as well).
By contrast, o3 definitely generates that tree (else it couldn’t have spent thousands-of-dollars’ worth of compute on individual tasks, due to the context-window limitations).
Am I understanding right that this is all just clever ways of having it come up with many different answers or subanswers or preanswers, then picking the good ones to expand upon?
The best guess based on the publicly available information is that yes, this is the case.
Why should this be good for eg proving difficult math theorems, where many humans using many different approaches have failed, so it doesn’t seem like it’s as simple as trying a hundred times, or even trying using a hundred different strategies?
Which strategies you’re trying matters. It indeed wouldn’t do much good if you just pick completely random steps/generate totally random messages. But if you’ve trained some heuristic for picking the best-seeming strategies among the strategy-space, and this heuristic has superhuman research taste...
What do people mean when they say that o1 and o3 have “opened up new scaling laws” and that inference-time compute will be really exciting?
That for a given LLM model being steered by a given meta-heuristic, the performance on benchmarks steadily improves with the length of CoTs / the breadth of the ToTs generated.
Why do we expect this to scale?
Straight lines on graphs go brr? Same as with the pre-training laws. We see a simple pattern, we assume it extrapolates.
What is o3 doing that you couldn’t do by running o1 on more computers for longer?
I’m not sure. It’s possible that a given meta-heuristic can only keep the LLM on-track for a fixed length of CoT / for a fixed breadth of ToT. You would then need to learn how to train better meta-heuristics to squeeze out more performance.
A possible explanation is that you need “more refined” tastes to pick between a broader range of CoTs. E. g., suppose that the quality of CoTs is on a 0-100 scale. Suppose you’ve generated a spread of CoTs, and the top 5 of them have the “ground-truth quality” of 99.6, 99.4, 98, 97, 96. Suppose your meta-heuristic is of the form Q + e, where Q is the ground-truth quality and e is some approximation-error term. If e is on the order of 0.5, then the model can’t distinguish between the top 2 guesses, and picks one at random. If e is on the order of 0.05, however, it reliably picks the best guess of those five. This can scale: then, depending on how “coarse” your model’s tastes are, it can pick out the best guess among 10^4, 10^5 guesses, etc.
(I. e., then the inference-time scaling law isn’t just “train any good-enough meta-heuristic and pour compute”, it’s “we can train increasingly better meta-heuristics, and the more compute they can usefully consume at inference-time, the better the performance”.)
(Also: notably, the issue with the transfer-of-performance might be that how “refined” the meta-heuristic’s taste is depends on the domain. E. g., for math, the error term might be 10^-5, for programming 10^-4, and for “soft” domains, 10^-1.)
Does inference compute scaling mean that o3 will use ten supercomputers for one hour per prompt, o4 will use a hundred supercomputers for ten hours per prompt, and o5 will use a thousand supercomputers for a hundred hours per prompt?
Not necessarily. The strength of the LLM model being steered, and the quality of the meta-heuristics doing the steering, matters. GPT-5 can plausibly outperfrom o3-full for much less inference-time compute, by needing shorter CoTs. “o3.5”, using the same LLM but equipped with a better-trained meta-level heuristic, can likewise outperform o3 by having a better judgement regarding which trains of thought to pursue (roughly, the best guess of o3.5 among 10 guesses would be as good as the best guess of o3 among 100 guesses).
And then if my guess regarding different meta-heuristics only being able to make use of no more than a fixed quantity of compute is right, then yes, o[3+n] models would also be able to usefully consume more raw compute.
Edit: I. e., there are basically three variables at play here:
How many guesses it needs to find a guess with a ground-truth quality above some threshold. (How refined the “steering” meta-heuristic is. What is the ground-truth quality of the best guess in 100 guesses it generated? How much is the probability distribution over guesses skewed towards the high-quality guesses?)
How refined the tastes of the “pruning” meta-heuristic are. (I. e., the size of the error e in the toy Q + e model above. Mediates the number of guesses among which it can pick the actual best one, assuming that they’re drawn from a fixed distribution.)
How long the high-quality CoTs are. (E. g., recall how much useless work/backtracking o1′s publicly shown CoTs seems to do, and how much more efficient it’d be if the base LLM were smart enough to just instantly output the correct answer, on pure instinct.)
Improving on (1) and (3) increases the efficiency of the compute used by the models. Improving on (2) lets models productively use more compute.
And notably, capabilities could grow either from improving on (2), in a straightforward manner, or from improving (1) and (3). For example, suppose that there’s a “taste overhang”, in that o3′s tastes are refined enough to reliably pick the best guess out of 10^9 guesses (drawn from a fixed distribution), but it is only economical to let it generate 10^5 guesses. Then improving on (1) (skewing the distribution towards the high-quality guesses) and (3) (making guesses cheaper) would not only reduce the costs, but also increase the quality of the ultimately-picked guesses.
(My intuition is that there’s no taste overhang, though; and also that the tastes indeed get increasingly less refined the farther you move from the machine-verifiable domains.)
This is good speculation, but I don’t think you need to speculate so much. Papers and replication attempts can provide lots of empirical data points from which to speculate.
Overall, I see people using process supervision to make a reward model that is one step better than the SoTA. Then they are applying TTC to the reward model, while using it to train/distil a cheaper model. The TTC expense is a one-off cost, since it’s used to distil to a cheaper model.
There are some papers about the future of this trend:
I can see other methods used here instead of process supervision. Process supervision extracts additional supervision from easy to verify domains. But diffusion does something very similar for domains where we can apply noise, like code.
However, arguably, the capability gains could transfer to domains outside math/programming.
More than an argument, we can look at the o3 announcement, where iirc it shows around 30% of the gain in non-code benchmarks. Less, but still substantial.
P.S. I think it’s worth noting that Meta has some amazing papers here, but they are also the most open source lab. It seems likely that other labs are also sitting on capabilities advancements that they do not allow researchers to publish.
P.P.S I also liked the alignment paper that came out with o3, since applying RLHF at multiple stages, and with process supervision seems useful. Its alignment seems to generalise better OOD (table 3). It also gives some clues to how o3 works, giving examples of CoT data.
@Scott Alexander, correction to the above: there are rumors that, like o1, o3 doesn’t generate runtime trees of thought either, and that they spent thousands-of-dollars’ worth of compute on single tasks by (1) having it generate a thousand separate CoTs, (2) outputting the answer the model produced most frequently. I. e., the “pruning meta-heuristic” I speculated about might just be the (manually-implemented) majority vote.
I think the guy in the quotes might be misinterpreting OpenAI researchers’ statements, but it’s possible.
In which case:
We have to slightly reinterpret the reason for having the model try a thousand times. Rather than outputting the correct answer if at least one try is correct, it outputs the correct answer if, in N tries, it produces the correct answer more frequently than incorrect ones. The fact that they had to set N = 1024 for best performance on ARC-AGI still suggests there’s a large amount of brute-forcing involved.
Since it implies that if N = 100, the correct answer isn’t more frequent than incorrect ones. So on the problems which o3 got wrong in the N = 6 regime but got right in the N = 1024 regime, the probability of any given CoT producing the correct answer is quite low.
This has similar implications for the FrontierMath performance, if the interpretation of the dark-blue vs. light-blue bars is that dark-blue is for N = 1 or N = 6, and light-blue is for N = bignumber.
We have to throw out everything about the “pruning” meta-heuristics; only the “steering” meta-heuristics exist. In this case, the transfer-of-performance problem would be that the “steering” heuristics only become better for math/programming; that RL only skewes the distribution over CoTs towards the high-quality ones for problems in those domains. (The metaphorical “taste” then still exists, but only within CoTs.)
(I now somewhat regret introducing the “steering vs. pruning meta-heuristic” terminology.)
Again, I think this isn’t really confirmed, but I can very much see it.
The basic guess regarding how o3′s training loop works is that it generates a bunch of chains of thoughts (or, rather, a branching tree), then uses some learned meta-heuristic to pick the best chain of thought and output it.
As part of that, it also learns a meta-heuristic for which chains of thought to generate to begin with. (I. e., it continually makes judgement calls regarding which trains of thought to pursue, rather than e. g. generating all combinatorially possible combinations of letters.)
It would indeed work best in domains that allow machine verification, because then there’s an easily computed ground-truth RL signal for training the meta-heuristic. Run each CoT through a proof verifier/an array of unit tests, then assign reward based on that. The learned meta-heuristics can then just internalize that machine verifier. (I. e., they’d basically copy the proof-verifier into the meta-heuristics. Then (a) once a spread of CoTs is generated, it can easily prune those that involve mathematically invalid steps, and (b) the LLM would become ever-more-unlikely to generate a CoT that involves mathematically invalid steps to begin with.)
However, arguably, the capability gains could transfer to domains outside math/programming.
There are two main possibilities here:
You can jury-rig “machine verification” for “soft domains” by having an LLM inspect the spread of ideas it generated (e. g., 100 business plans), then pick the best one, using the LLM’s learned intuition as the reward function. (See e. g. how Constitutional AI works, compared to RLHF.)
You can hope that the meta-heuristics, after being trained on math/programming, learn some general-purpose “taste”, an ability to tell which CoTs are better or worse, in a way that automatically generalizes to “soft” domains (perhaps with some additional fine-tuning using the previous idea).
That said, empirically, if we compare o1-full to Claude Sonnet 3.5.1, it doesn’t seem that the former dominates the latter in “soft” domains as dramatically as it does at math. So the transfer, if it happens at all, isn’t everything AI researchers could hope for.
Also, there’s another subtle point here:
o1′s public version doesn’t seem to actually generate trees of thought in response to user queries and then pruning it. It just deterministically picks the best train of thought to pursue as judged by the learned meta-heuristic (the part of it that’s guiding which trees to generate; see the previous point regarding how it doesn’t just generate all possible combinations of letters, but makes judgement calls regarding that as well).
By contrast, o3 definitely generates that tree (else it couldn’t have spent thousands-of-dollars’ worth of compute on individual tasks, due to the context-window limitations).
The best guess based on the publicly available information is that yes, this is the case.
Which strategies you’re trying matters. It indeed wouldn’t do much good if you just pick completely random steps/generate totally random messages. But if you’ve trained some heuristic for picking the best-seeming strategies among the strategy-space, and this heuristic has superhuman research taste...
That for a given LLM model being steered by a given meta-heuristic, the performance on benchmarks steadily improves with the length of CoTs / the breadth of the ToTs generated.
Straight lines on graphs go brr? Same as with the pre-training laws. We see a simple pattern, we assume it extrapolates.
I’m not sure. It’s possible that a given meta-heuristic can only keep the LLM on-track for a fixed length of CoT / for a fixed breadth of ToT. You would then need to learn how to train better meta-heuristics to squeeze out more performance.
A possible explanation is that you need “more refined” tastes to pick between a broader range of CoTs. E. g., suppose that the quality of CoTs is on a 0-100 scale. Suppose you’ve generated a spread of CoTs, and the top 5 of them have the “ground-truth quality” of 99.6, 99.4, 98, 97, 96. Suppose your meta-heuristic is of the form Q + e, where Q is the ground-truth quality and e is some approximation-error term. If e is on the order of 0.5, then the model can’t distinguish between the top 2 guesses, and picks one at random. If e is on the order of 0.05, however, it reliably picks the best guess of those five. This can scale: then, depending on how “coarse” your model’s tastes are, it can pick out the best guess among 10^4, 10^5 guesses, etc.
(I. e., then the inference-time scaling law isn’t just “train any good-enough meta-heuristic and pour compute”, it’s “we can train increasingly better meta-heuristics, and the more compute they can usefully consume at inference-time, the better the performance”.)
(Also: notably, the issue with the transfer-of-performance might be that how “refined” the meta-heuristic’s taste is depends on the domain. E. g., for math, the error term might be 10^-5, for programming 10^-4, and for “soft” domains, 10^-1.)
Not necessarily. The strength of the LLM model being steered, and the quality of the meta-heuristics doing the steering, matters. GPT-5 can plausibly outperfrom o3-full for much less inference-time compute, by needing shorter CoTs. “o3.5”, using the same LLM but equipped with a better-trained meta-level heuristic, can likewise outperform o3 by having a better judgement regarding which trains of thought to pursue (roughly, the best guess of o3.5 among 10 guesses would be as good as the best guess of o3 among 100 guesses).
And then if my guess regarding different meta-heuristics only being able to make use of no more than a fixed quantity of compute is right, then yes, o[3+n] models would also be able to usefully consume more raw compute.
Edit: I. e., there are basically three variables at play here:
How many guesses it needs to find a guess with a ground-truth quality above some threshold. (How refined the “steering” meta-heuristic is. What is the ground-truth quality of the best guess in 100 guesses it generated? How much is the probability distribution over guesses skewed towards the high-quality guesses?)
How refined the tastes of the “pruning” meta-heuristic are. (I. e., the size of the error e in the toy Q + e model above. Mediates the number of guesses among which it can pick the actual best one, assuming that they’re drawn from a fixed distribution.)
How long the high-quality CoTs are. (E. g., recall how much useless work/backtracking o1′s publicly shown CoTs seems to do, and how much more efficient it’d be if the base LLM were smart enough to just instantly output the correct answer, on pure instinct.)
Improving on (1) and (3) increases the efficiency of the compute used by the models. Improving on (2) lets models productively use more compute.
And notably, capabilities could grow either from improving on (2), in a straightforward manner, or from improving (1) and (3). For example, suppose that there’s a “taste overhang”, in that o3′s tastes are refined enough to reliably pick the best guess out of 10^9 guesses (drawn from a fixed distribution), but it is only economical to let it generate 10^5 guesses. Then improving on (1) (skewing the distribution towards the high-quality guesses) and (3) (making guesses cheaper) would not only reduce the costs, but also increase the quality of the ultimately-picked guesses.
(My intuition is that there’s no taste overhang, though; and also that the tastes indeed get increasingly less refined the farther you move from the machine-verifiable domains.)
This is good speculation, but I don’t think you need to speculate so much. Papers and replication attempts can provide lots of empirical data points from which to speculate.
You should check out some of the related papers
H4 uses a process supervision reward model, with MCTS and attempts to replicate o1
(sp fixed) DeepSeek uses R1 to train DeepSeek v3
Overall, I see people using process supervision to make a reward model that is one step better than the SoTA. Then they are applying TTC to the reward model, while using it to train/distil a cheaper model. The TTC expense is a one-off cost, since it’s used to distil to a cheaper model.
There are some papers about the future of this trend:
Meta uses reasoning tokens to allow models to reason in a latent space (the hidden state, yuck). OpenAI insiders have said that o3 does not work like this, but o4 might. {I would hope they chose a much better latent space than the hidden state. Something interpretable, that’s not just designed to be de-embedded into output tokens.}
Meta throws out tokenisation in favour of grouping predictable bytes
I can see other methods used here instead of process supervision. Process supervision extracts additional supervision from easy to verify domains. But diffusion does something very similar for domains where we can apply noise, like code.
Codefusion shows diffusion with code
Meta has an llm+diffusion paper, and so does Apple
Some older background papers might be useful for reference.
[OpenAI’]s process supervision paper](
“Let’s Verify Step by Step”
Deepmind’s TTC scaling laws
More than an argument, we can look at the o3 announcement, where iirc it shows around 30% of the gain in non-code benchmarks. Less, but still substantial.
P.S. I think it’s worth noting that Meta has some amazing papers here, but they are also the most open source lab. It seems likely that other labs are also sitting on capabilities advancements that they do not allow researchers to publish.
P.P.S I also liked the alignment paper that came out with o3, since applying RLHF at multiple stages, and with process supervision seems useful. Its alignment seems to generalise better OOD (table 3). It also gives some clues to how o3 works, giving examples of CoT data.
@Scott Alexander, correction to the above: there are rumors that, like o1, o3 doesn’t generate runtime trees of thought either, and that they spent thousands-of-dollars’ worth of compute on single tasks by (1) having it generate a thousand separate CoTs, (2) outputting the answer the model produced most frequently. I. e., the “pruning meta-heuristic” I speculated about might just be the (manually-implemented) majority vote.
I think the guy in the quotes might be misinterpreting OpenAI researchers’ statements, but it’s possible.
In which case:
We have to slightly reinterpret the reason for having the model try a thousand times. Rather than outputting the correct answer if at least one try is correct, it outputs the correct answer if, in N tries, it produces the correct answer more frequently than incorrect ones. The fact that they had to set N = 1024 for best performance on ARC-AGI still suggests there’s a large amount of brute-forcing involved.
Since it implies that if N = 100, the correct answer isn’t more frequent than incorrect ones. So on the problems which o3 got wrong in the N = 6 regime but got right in the N = 1024 regime, the probability of any given CoT producing the correct answer is quite low.
This has similar implications for the FrontierMath performance, if the interpretation of the dark-blue vs. light-blue bars is that dark-blue is for N = 1 or N = 6, and light-blue is for N = bignumber.
We have to throw out everything about the “pruning” meta-heuristics; only the “steering” meta-heuristics exist. In this case, the transfer-of-performance problem would be that the “steering” heuristics only become better for math/programming; that RL only skewes the distribution over CoTs towards the high-quality ones for problems in those domains. (The metaphorical “taste” then still exists, but only within CoTs.)
(I now somewhat regret introducing the “steering vs. pruning meta-heuristic” terminology.)
Again, I think this isn’t really confirmed, but I can very much see it.