I agree in part; I confess I was more thinking of the laxer “could be uncontroversial in a few years” standard (and more thinking of problems than policies). But at the least, I think narrow reforms in all but 5 and 10 could be uncontroversial. We don’t need to abolish the FDA or “Buy American” to make improvements.
Aside from biosecurity and possibly medical license reciprocity, I think these are all pretty controversial.
Without checking the numbers, I’m pretty sure at least some of 7 and 9 are also quite popular (and maybe part of 6, depending on scope and framing). And parts of 4 wouldn’t have opponents.
Edit in brief reply to korin’s reply below: I agree a little, and I apologize for not elaborating on solutions. But the following would all have few enemies if done well: make hospitals transparent, make hospitals better able to talk to each other, nationalize prisons, give body cams teeth, abolish qualified immunity, abolish bail.
I suspect part of why these seem uncontroversial is that they’re not specific enough. Everyone agrees that we should make hospitals/housing/criminal justice better, but if you actually propose a specific policy to do that it, will give money to corporate interests/be socialist/make things better for ‘bad’ people/make some subgroup worse off/etc.
I agree in part; I confess I was more thinking of the laxer “could be uncontroversial in a few years” standard (and more thinking of problems than policies). But at the least, I think narrow reforms in all but 5 and 10 could be uncontroversial. We don’t need to abolish the FDA or “Buy American” to make improvements.
Without checking the numbers, I’m pretty sure at least some of 7 and 9 are also quite popular (and maybe part of 6, depending on scope and framing). And parts of 4 wouldn’t have opponents.
Edit in brief reply to korin’s reply below: I agree a little, and I apologize for not elaborating on solutions. But the following would all have few enemies if done well: make hospitals transparent, make hospitals better able to talk to each other, nationalize prisons, give body cams teeth, abolish qualified immunity, abolish bail.
I suspect part of why these seem uncontroversial is that they’re not specific enough. Everyone agrees that we should make hospitals/housing/criminal justice better, but if you actually propose a specific policy to do that it, will give money to corporate interests/be socialist/make things better for ‘bad’ people/make some subgroup worse off/etc.