Another thing: not only is my idea unpopular, it’s obvious from vote counts that some people are actively opposed to it. I haven’t seen any computational epistemology (or evidence repository) project that is popular on LessWrong, either. Have you seen any?
If in fact this sort of thing tends not to interest LessWrongers, I find that deeply disturbing, especially in light of the stereotypes I’ve seen of “rationalists” on Twitter and EA forum. How right are the stereotypes? I’m starting to wonder.
Ah, this is nice. I was avoiding looking at my notifications for the last 3 months for fear of a reply by Christian Kl, but actually it turned out to be you two :D
I cannot work on this project right now because busy I’m earning money to be able to afford to fund it (as I don’t see how to make money on it). I have a family of 4+, so this is far from trivial. I’ve been earning for a couple of years, and I will need a couple more years more. I will leave my thoughts on HowTruthful on one of your posts on it.
The best path forward might be for @DPiepgrass to make a prototype or mockup, borrowing ideas from HowTruthful and then discussing from there.
Another thing: not only is my idea unpopular, it’s obvious from vote counts that some people are actively opposed to it. I haven’t seen any computational epistemology (or evidence repository) project that is popular on LessWrong, either. Have you seen any?
If in fact this sort of thing tends not to interest LessWrongers, I find that deeply disturbing, especially in light of the stereotypes I’ve seen of “rationalists” on Twitter and EA forum. How right are the stereotypes? I’m starting to wonder.
Ah, this is nice. I was avoiding looking at my notifications for the last 3 months for fear of a reply by Christian Kl, but actually it turned out to be you two :D
I cannot work on this project right now because busy I’m earning money to be able to afford to fund it (as I don’t see how to make money on it). I have a family of 4+, so this is far from trivial. I’ve been earning for a couple of years, and I will need a couple more years more. I will leave my thoughts on HowTruthful on one of your posts on it.