I’m pushing my bodyweight up and increasing strength. On July 22nd 2012 I was back squatting 90 kilos for 3 sets of 5. Last week I was able to squat 297lbs(134.7kg) for a single. I’ve also pushed my deadlift up to 130k for a single. In this time my bodyweight has increased from 150lbs to 167lbs.
My goals for Halloween are to deadlift 400lbs and squat 315lbs. I’d like to get up to a bodyweight of around 200lbs at 5′8″ as a long term goal but that will probably take much longer than till Halloween.
Because it’s fun
Because strong men are harder to kill and more useful in general than weak men
Because I have an undying fear of being a pussy
Because I want to increase my bone density
Because I want to compete in Olympic weightlifting competitions one day
Because I want increased strength for playing BJJ
Because I want to look AND BE strong and sexy for the wimminz(and possibly some guyz too)
What I will be working on come Fall semester: Intro to Abstract Algebra 501, Advanced Calculus 407 and spanish 101
Because I want my mind strong like my body and I need to major in something
I’m pushing my bodyweight up and increasing strength. On July 22nd 2012 I was back squatting 90 kilos for 3 sets of 5. Last week I was able to squat 297lbs(134.7kg) for a single. I’ve also pushed my deadlift up to 130k for a single. In this time my bodyweight has increased from 150lbs to 167lbs.
My goals for Halloween are to deadlift 400lbs and squat 315lbs. I’d like to get up to a bodyweight of around 200lbs at 5′8″ as a long term goal but that will probably take much longer than till Halloween.
Because it’s fun
Because strong men are harder to kill and more useful in general than weak men
Because I have an undying fear of being a pussy
Because I want to increase my bone density
Because I want to compete in Olympic weightlifting competitions one day
Because I want increased strength for playing BJJ
Because I want to look AND BE strong and sexy for the wimminz(and possibly some guyz too)
What I will be working on come Fall semester: Intro to Abstract Algebra 501, Advanced Calculus 407 and spanish 101
Because I want my mind strong like my body and I need to major in something