Marius makes a good point with the chameleon—Although when describing something as skinny/fat the color comes first (Red Faced Fat Man vs. Large/Huge Red-faced man)
Almost seems to me that we place words that categorize the object closest to the object—Brown Spider/Green Chameleon/Fat Man are all categories of those objects whereas a Big spider isn’t as much of a category as it describes the size of the spider relative to other spiders in the same category.
Marius makes a good point with the chameleon—Although when describing something as skinny/fat the color comes first (Red Faced Fat Man vs. Large/Huge Red-faced man)
Almost seems to me that we place words that categorize the object closest to the object—Brown Spider/Green Chameleon/Fat Man are all categories of those objects whereas a Big spider isn’t as much of a category as it describes the size of the spider relative to other spiders in the same category.