I remember when Warren Spector & Harvey Smith were going on about emergence in videogames. I think their definition was something like “a non-obvious [it may even surprise the designers] outcome of a system of rules rather than something scripted”. That’s a rather subjective definition but it seems to fit as well for the things that are described as “emergent” in real life. Since life is not actually a videogame but has universallyvalid rules, it would not be a very useful concept for that domain. I think Wolfram has written a lot about that sort of thing, but I don’t actually know much about what it is he says other than that its an important idea.
I remember when Warren Spector & Harvey Smith were going on about emergence in videogames. I think their definition was something like “a non-obvious [it may even surprise the designers] outcome of a system of rules rather than something scripted”. That’s a rather subjective definition but it seems to fit as well for the things that are described as “emergent” in real life. Since life is not actually a videogame but has universally valid rules, it would not be a very useful concept for that domain. I think Wolfram has written a lot about that sort of thing, but I don’t actually know much about what it is he says other than that its an important idea.