...you [Gleb] tacitly oppose lots of dissident/alternative/reactionary right views
For what it’s worth, I think “dissident/alternative/reactionary” activists have a lot to learn still about what politics is actually like in the real world. Deliberation and compromise are critically important in real-world politicking, while writing obscure theoretical essays ala Moldbug and other ‘neo-reactionary’ thinkers is a lot less relevant. (Of course, this failure mode is by no means unique to neo-reactionaries—plenty of radical leftists do the same thing!) And I don’t think that even Donald Trump and his ‘alt-right’ supporters, who are obviously a lot closer to wielding real power, can escape this need for finding good compromises. (Especially in the longer run.)
… KLEIN: ”...It is clear, the evidence is clear. Donald Trump is not about ‘economic anxiety.’ ” …
Nitpick—a lot of people really want to believe this. ISTM that they do not care so much about understanding Donald Trump or his constituency, and they’re still trying to whitewash the blatant strategic mistakes of the Hillary Clinton campaign.
For what it’s worth, I think “dissident/alternative/reactionary” activists have a lot to learn still about what politics is actually like in the real world. Deliberation and compromise are critically important in real-world politicking, while writing obscure theoretical essays ala Moldbug and other ‘neo-reactionary’ thinkers is a lot less relevant. (Of course, this failure mode is by no means unique to neo-reactionaries—plenty of radical leftists do the same thing!) And I don’t think that even Donald Trump and his ‘alt-right’ supporters, who are obviously a lot closer to wielding real power, can escape this need for finding good compromises. (Especially in the longer run.)
Nitpick—a lot of people really want to believe this. ISTM that they do not care so much about understanding Donald Trump or his constituency, and they’re still trying to whitewash the blatant strategic mistakes of the Hillary Clinton campaign.