I’ve read a significant amount of your essays/articles and love the stuff. It’s kinda hard to track for new stuff since the RSS feed tends to dump dozens of small changes all at once, so this post is much appreciated.
I don’t know how to do that. There’s no automated way to tell when I’ve added something important and when I just made a lot of minor changes like adding additional citations or formatting tweaks. When something is ‘finished’ is knowable only in retrospect.
Arrakis teaches the attitude of the knife — chopping off what’s incomplete and saying: “Now it’s complete because it’s ended here.”
That’s fair but broken link fixes and css fiddling are not important enough to be on the RSS feed in almost all cases on both ‘finished’ and ‘unfinished’ pages. Out of curiosity, do you have many feeds in your reader that push everything there like you do?
I’ve read a significant amount of your essays/articles and love the stuff. It’s kinda hard to track for new stuff since the RSS feed tends to dump dozens of small changes all at once, so this post is much appreciated.
A better (maybe separate?) RSS feed that doesn’t do that will be a huge improvement for my experience of the site as well.
I don’t know how to do that. There’s no automated way to tell when I’ve added something important and when I just made a lot of minor changes like adding additional citations or formatting tweaks. When something is ‘finished’ is knowable only in retrospect.
That’s fair but broken link fixes and css fiddling are not important enough to be on the RSS feed in almost all cases on both ‘finished’ and ‘unfinished’ pages. Out of curiosity, do you have many feeds in your reader that push everything there like you do?
All my wiki subscriptions are like that, yes. Comparing to my other subscriptions is harder since they all are, well, blogs and not personal sites.
To help solve this problem for people, I’ve been posting monthly updates at http://gwern.net/Changelog and sending out newsletters (signup; issues: Dec 2013/Jan 2014/Feb 2014). Does this work for you?