ACX Montreal Meetup November 26 2022


McLennan Library Building at McGill. 3459 Mc Tavish St
Room: HSSL—M5-37A
Directions to room: Inside McLennan Library Building, take the stairs or one of the elevators to the 5th floor. Take the door on your right. Room M5-37A is the first door on your left

Date & Time: Saturday, November 26th, 2022 at 1pm.


Come on out to the ACX (Astral Codex Ten) Montreal Meetup. We will be hosting a discussion on the education system.

We will be exploring the failings of the modern education system and theorizing on how those came to be, while also pondering its place in society going forward.

Recommended reading:

  • If you are unfamiliar with Bryan Caplan’s arguments against the education system, this book review (9m read) does a good job summarizing them. He claims that school doesn’t teach students useful job skills but is a costly signal to the employer of the student’s conformity, intelligence, and conscientiousness.

  • The Universe and The University (19m read) presents some historical context for universities and their role in identifying the richness in life. (Particularly philosophy departments). Presents some ways universities have gone off track in this regard but presents a vision for what they could be.

Doing the reading is recommended but feel free to come to the meetup even if you forget or don’t have time to.

RSVPing is not mandatory but is recommended as it encourages others to come.

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