There was a strong consensus that we wanted to keep meeting, and I made a google group for us to plan activities, discuss what sorts of things we might like to do in the future, let each other know of interesting events, and so on.
At the moment the group is semi-private, meaning that only members can view content but anyone can join. There is no moderation. We can change this if there is a consensus to do so or as it becomes necessary.
I’ll make AdamBell, Patrick (who organized the previous meetups) and matt admins, unless they object.
If you’re in Melbourne, please join and perhaps introduce yourself!
Thanks for organizing this Adam, I enjoyed it!
There was a strong consensus that we wanted to keep meeting, and I made a google group for us to plan activities, discuss what sorts of things we might like to do in the future, let each other know of interesting events, and so on.
At the moment the group is semi-private, meaning that only members can view content but anyone can join. There is no moderation. We can change this if there is a consensus to do so or as it becomes necessary.
I’ll make AdamBell, Patrick (who organized the previous meetups) and matt admins, unless they object.
If you’re in Melbourne, please join and perhaps introduce yourself!