No, they can’t. See: “akrasia” on the path to protecting their hypothetical predicted future selves 30 years from now.
The teacup takes the W here too. It’s indifferent to blackmail! [chad picture]
“Pretty arbitrary” of course not meaning “absolutely arbitrary”, just meaning more arbitrary than most things, such as teacups. And when I said “tell” I give an ultimatum and then follow through.
Something something blackmailer is subjunctively dependent with the teacup! (This is a joke.)
No, they can’t. See: “akrasia” on the path to protecting their hypothetical predicted future selves 30 years from now.
The teacup takes the W here too. It’s indifferent to blackmail! [chad picture]
“Pretty arbitrary” of course not meaning “absolutely arbitrary”, just meaning more arbitrary than most things, such as teacups. And when I said “tell” I give an ultimatum and then follow through.
Something something blackmailer is subjunctively dependent with the teacup! (This is a joke.)