I used to hear something similar in debates over gay marriage:
Gay person: “I only want to have the same right as a straight person: the right to marry the person I love.”
Gay marriage opponent: “No no, you already have the same right as a straight person: the right to marry a person of the opposite sex. If you also want the right to marry a person of the same sex, you’re asking for extra rights, special privileges just because you’re gay. And that simply wouldn’t be fair.”
Gay person: “No no, I want everyone to have the right to marry a person of the same sex, even straight people! Equal rights for all — that’s perfectly fair.”
But I don’t think that the conclusion of your insightful comment (which really could have been a Discussion post). is inevitable.
There still is evolution going on on the organizational level. Those organizational structures which provide long time benefit i.e. are efficient and sufficiently stable should win over structures that collapse due to the iron law.
Thus lets hope that LW manages to provide benefit and be stable. I wonder whether EY which after all started out as charismatic leader (in the socioeconomic sense) has a plan to transition LW toward that. But then he probably hopes that FAI will solve these kinds of problems for us.
I used to hear something similar in debates over gay marriage:
Gay person: “I only want to have the same right as a straight person: the right to marry the person I love.”
Gay marriage opponent: “No no, you already have the same right as a straight person: the right to marry a person of the opposite sex. If you also want the right to marry a person of the same sex, you’re asking for extra rights, special privileges just because you’re gay. And that simply wouldn’t be fair.”
Edit: bramflakes beat me to it.
Gay person: “No no, I want everyone to have the right to marry a person of the same sex, even straight people! Equal rights for all — that’s perfectly fair.”
Generally: “Other people are also allowed to live in a society optimized for my utility function, so where is the problem?”
The lesson for you: Write shorter.
1) Write shorter to be the first one.
2) Edit your answer later to include everything relevant, fix spelling errors, etc.
3) Congratulations, LW becomes StackExchange!
Okok. It was meant humorously.
But I don’t think that the conclusion of your insightful comment (which really could have been a Discussion post). is inevitable.
There still is evolution going on on the organizational level. Those organizational structures which provide long time benefit i.e. are efficient and sufficiently stable should win over structures that collapse due to the iron law.
Thus lets hope that LW manages to provide benefit and be stable. I wonder whether EY which after all started out as charismatic leader (in the socioeconomic sense) has a plan to transition LW toward that. But then he probably hopes that FAI will solve these kinds of problems for us.