No. BOT^CDT = DefectBot. It defects against any opponent. CDT could not cause it to cooperate by changing what it does.
If it cooperated, it would get CC instead of DD.
Actually if CDT cooperated against BOT^CDT it would get $3^^^3. You can prove all sorts of wonderful things once you assume a statement that is false.
Depending on the exact setup, “irrelevant details in memory” are actually vital information that allow you to distinguish whether you are “actually playing” or are being simulated in BOT’s mind.
OK… So UDT^Red and UDT^Blue are two instantiations of UDT that differ only in irrelevant details. In fact the scenario is a mirror matchup, only after instantiation one of the copies was painted red and the other was painted blue. According to what you seem to be saying UDT^Red will reason:
Well I can map different epistemic states to different outputs, I can implement the strategy cooperate if you are painted blue and defect if you are painted red.
Of course UDT^Blue will reason the same way and they will fail to cooperate with each other.
No. BOT^CDT = DefectBot. It defects against any opponent. CDT could not cause it to cooperate by changing what it does.
Maybe I’ve misread you, but this sounds like an assertion that your counterfactual question is the right one by definition, rather than a meaningful objection.
Well, yes. Then again, the game was specified as PD against BOT^CDT not as PD against BOT^{you}. It seems pretty clear that for X not equal to CDT that it is not the case that X could achieve the result CC in this game. Are you saying that it is reasonable to say that CDT could achieve a result that no other strategy could just because it’s code happens to appear in the opponent’s program?
I think that there is perhaps a distinction to be made between things that happen to be simulating your code and this that are causally simulating your code.
Well I can map different epistemic states to different outputs, I can implement the strategy cooperate if you are painted blue and defect if you are painted red. Of course UDT^Blue will reason the same way and they will fail to cooperate with each other.
No, because that’s a silly thing to do in this scenario. For one thing, UDT will see that they are reasoning the same way (because they are selfish and only consider “my color” vs “other color”), and therefore will both do the same thing. But also, depending on the setup, UDT^Red’s prior should give equal probability to being painted red and painted blue anyway, which means trying to make the outcome favour red is silly.
Compare to the version of newcomb’s where the bot in the room is UDT^Red, while Omega simulates UDT^Blue. UDT can implement the conditional strategy {Red ⇒ two-box, Blue ⇒ one-box}. This is obviously unlikely, because the point of the Newcomb thought experiment is that Omega simulates (or predicts) you. So he would clearly try to avoid adding such information that “gives the game away”.
However in this scenario you say that BOT simulates UDT “by coincidence”, not by mind reading. So it is far more likely that BOT simulates (the equivalent) of UDT^Blue, while the UDT actually playing is UDT^Red. And you are passed the code of BOT as input, so UDT can simply implement the conditional strategy {cooperate iff the color inside BOT is the same as my color}.
OK. Fine. Point taken. There is a simple fix though.
MBOT^X(Y) = X’(MBOT^X) where X’ is X but with randomized irrelevant experiences.
In order to produce this properly, MBOT only needs to have your prior (or a sufficiently similar probability distribution) over irrelevant experiences hardcoded. And while your actual experiences might be complicated and hard to predict, your priors are not.
No. BOT^CDT = DefectBot. It defects against any opponent. CDT could not cause it to cooperate by changing what it does.
Actually if CDT cooperated against BOT^CDT it would get $3^^^3. You can prove all sorts of wonderful things once you assume a statement that is false.
OK… So UDT^Red and UDT^Blue are two instantiations of UDT that differ only in irrelevant details. In fact the scenario is a mirror matchup, only after instantiation one of the copies was painted red and the other was painted blue. According to what you seem to be saying UDT^Red will reason:
Well I can map different epistemic states to different outputs, I can implement the strategy cooperate if you are painted blue and defect if you are painted red.
Of course UDT^Blue will reason the same way and they will fail to cooperate with each other.
Maybe I’ve misread you, but this sounds like an assertion that your counterfactual question is the right one by definition, rather than a meaningful objection.
Well, yes. Then again, the game was specified as PD against BOT^CDT not as PD against BOT^{you}. It seems pretty clear that for X not equal to CDT that it is not the case that X could achieve the result CC in this game. Are you saying that it is reasonable to say that CDT could achieve a result that no other strategy could just because it’s code happens to appear in the opponent’s program?
I think that there is perhaps a distinction to be made between things that happen to be simulating your code and this that are causally simulating your code.
No, because that’s a silly thing to do in this scenario. For one thing, UDT will see that they are reasoning the same way (because they are selfish and only consider “my color” vs “other color”), and therefore will both do the same thing. But also, depending on the setup, UDT^Red’s prior should give equal probability to being painted red and painted blue anyway, which means trying to make the outcome favour red is silly.
Compare to the version of newcomb’s where the bot in the room is UDT^Red, while Omega simulates UDT^Blue. UDT can implement the conditional strategy {Red ⇒ two-box, Blue ⇒ one-box}. This is obviously unlikely, because the point of the Newcomb thought experiment is that Omega simulates (or predicts) you. So he would clearly try to avoid adding such information that “gives the game away”.
However in this scenario you say that BOT simulates UDT “by coincidence”, not by mind reading. So it is far more likely that BOT simulates (the equivalent) of UDT^Blue, while the UDT actually playing is UDT^Red. And you are passed the code of BOT as input, so UDT can simply implement the conditional strategy {cooperate iff the color inside BOT is the same as my color}.
OK. Fine. Point taken. There is a simple fix though.
MBOT^X(Y) = X’(MBOT^X) where X’ is X but with randomized irrelevant experiences.
In order to produce this properly, MBOT only needs to have your prior (or a sufficiently similar probability distribution) over irrelevant experiences hardcoded. And while your actual experiences might be complicated and hard to predict, your priors are not.