there has to be some point in time in which an agent acts like waiting just one more timestep before pressing wouldn’t be worth it even though it would.
if it’s impossible to choose “jst one mor timestep” wo logically implying that u mk the same decision in other timesteps (eg due to indifferentiable contexts), then it’s impossible to choose jst one mor timestep. optimal decision-mking also means recognising which opts u hv and which u don’t—otherwise u’r jst falling fr illusory choices.
which brings to mind the principle, “u nvr mk decisions, u only evr decide btn strats”. or fr the illiterate (:p):
You never make decisions, you only ever decide between strategies.
if it’s impossible to choose “jst one mor timestep” wo logically implying that u mk the same decision in other timesteps (eg due to indifferentiable contexts), then it’s impossible to choose jst one mor timestep. optimal decision-mking also means recognising which opts u hv and which u don’t—otherwise u’r jst falling fr illusory choices.
which brings to mind the principle, “u nvr mk decisions, u only evr decide btn strats”. or fr the illiterate (:p):