I really like this, and agree that incentives are very important.
A related idea for example is to limit the pay of CEOs to X times that of the average/lowest salary of employees.
A trivial (as in too simple to actually work) toy example in the same vein is to continuously make the least powerful person the most powerful person.
That person than either helps themselves (consequently loosing office), or helps everybody at the bottom. Either way, inequality decreases (Yes, I know this won’t work).
I really like this, and agree that incentives are very important.
A related idea for example is to limit the pay of CEOs to X times that of the average/lowest salary of employees.
A trivial (as in too simple to actually work) toy example in the same vein is to continuously make the least powerful person the most powerful person.
That person than either helps themselves (consequently loosing office), or helps everybody at the bottom. Either way, inequality decreases (Yes, I know this won’t work).