Yeah that could be doable. Dylan’s pretty natsec focused already so I would guess he’d take a broad view of the ROI from something like this. From what I hear he is already in touch with some of the folks who are in the mix, which helps, but the core goal is to get random leaf node action officers this access with minimum friction. I think an unconditional discount to all federal employees probably does pass muster with the regs, though of course folks would still be paying something out of pocket. I’ll bring this up to SA next time we talk to them though, it might move the needle. For all I know, they might even be doing it already.
Yeah that could be doable. Dylan’s pretty natsec focused already so I would guess he’d take a broad view of the ROI from something like this. From what I hear he is already in touch with some of the folks who are in the mix, which helps, but the core goal is to get random leaf node action officers this access with minimum friction. I think an unconditional discount to all federal employees probably does pass muster with the regs, though of course folks would still be paying something out of pocket. I’ll bring this up to SA next time we talk to them though, it might move the needle. For all I know, they might even be doing it already.