Uncaring and harmful life extension, yes. Not actually adversarial, where the purpose is the suffering. Still, horrific, even if I don’t take it as evidence that shifts my likelihood of AGI torture scenarios.
I don’t actually know the stats, but this also seems less common than it used to be. When I was younger, I knew a few old people in care facilities that I couldn’t imagine would be their choice, but in the last 10 years, I’ve had more relatives and acquaintances die, and very few of them kept beyond what I’d expect is their preference. I’ve participated in a few very direct discussions, and in all cases, the expressed wishes were honored (once after a bit of heated debate, including the sentiment “I’m not sure I can allow that”, but in the end it was allowed).
Mundane adversarial life extension happens all the time: https://slatestarcodex.com/2013/07/17/who-by-very-slow-decay/
But I agree that the Roko’s basilisk type scenarios are probably very very unlikely.
Uncaring and harmful life extension, yes. Not actually adversarial, where the purpose is the suffering. Still, horrific, even if I don’t take it as evidence that shifts my likelihood of AGI torture scenarios.
I don’t actually know the stats, but this also seems less common than it used to be. When I was younger, I knew a few old people in care facilities that I couldn’t imagine would be their choice, but in the last 10 years, I’ve had more relatives and acquaintances die, and very few of them kept beyond what I’d expect is their preference. I’ve participated in a few very direct discussions, and in all cases, the expressed wishes were honored (once after a bit of heated debate, including the sentiment “I’m not sure I can allow that”, but in the end it was allowed).