A lot of people’s beliefs are influenced by their political affiliation. I’d be wary of a rating system. If one political party got ahold of it, they might use it to completely discredit their opponents, when the issue is just not very well understood in the first place and having multiple perspectives is very useful.
Climate change is the issue that comes to mind first.
A lot of people’s beliefs are influenced by their political affiliation. I’d be wary of a rating system. If one political party got ahold of it, they might use it to completely discredit their opponents, when the issue is just not very well understood in the first place and having multiple perspectives is very useful.
Climate change is the issue that comes to mind first.
I’d suggest decentralized rating systems for this reason. Think movie reviewers and Consumer Reports.
How is Consumer Reports a decentralized system? It’s an NGO that funds itself through subscription.
Consumer Reports itself is centralized, but it’s one of a cluster of various reviewing groups, none of which gets official state status.