Harry will say in Parseltongue that he will transfigure two objects, one to show the basic principles, one to show the more advanced applications of it/what you can do after you master the skill. Either of the objects he will be transfiguring materials into will have any magical properties, they will not allow him to kill Voldermort, and they will not allow him to magically escape the graveyard.
Harry will then transfigure his glasses (using the hold in one hand method I described in the first plan), to change just the color of the lenses to black, without changing the color of the rims, legs or any other part.
He will confirm that this was transfiguration and not some other simple charm to Voldermort and ask if he is interested in learning more about this power.
Then he will need to transfigure a section of the ground into the most powerful and most harmless looking flashbang grenade.
At that point he simply needs to release his transfiguration in the right way (if he can control how something approaches the end point as he transfigures it, just reverse that skill and you can choose how it looks as his transfigured control of it fades away not a new power just a new use for an old one) so as to pull the pin on the grenade.
The change to his glasses will prevent Harry from being blinded though he will still be deafened.
This won’t be too much of a problem though because we’ve already seen him command his pouch with hand signals.
With the Death Eaters unable to see him, and possibly having more difficulty casting spells as well (thanks to being unable to hear themselves talk meaning they may screw up the verbal components to their spells) and Voldermort likewise unable to see him and reduced to firing blindly.… Harry has a decent chance to making it to his pouch, if he has the magic to summon it to him so much the better, if not just run like f*.
Then he needs to tell the pouch to give the king of hearts, and tear it up while holding onto his pouch.
Okay the new plan works like this.
Harry will say in Parseltongue that he will transfigure two objects, one to show the basic principles, one to show the more advanced applications of it/what you can do after you master the skill. Either of the objects he will be transfiguring materials into will have any magical properties, they will not allow him to kill Voldermort, and they will not allow him to magically escape the graveyard.
Harry will then transfigure his glasses (using the hold in one hand method I described in the first plan), to change just the color of the lenses to black, without changing the color of the rims, legs or any other part.
He will confirm that this was transfiguration and not some other simple charm to Voldermort and ask if he is interested in learning more about this power.
Then he will need to transfigure a section of the ground into the most powerful and most harmless looking flashbang grenade.
At that point he simply needs to release his transfiguration in the right way (if he can control how something approaches the end point as he transfigures it, just reverse that skill and you can choose how it looks as his transfigured control of it fades away not a new power just a new use for an old one) so as to pull the pin on the grenade.
The change to his glasses will prevent Harry from being blinded though he will still be deafened.
This won’t be too much of a problem though because we’ve already seen him command his pouch with hand signals.
With the Death Eaters unable to see him, and possibly having more difficulty casting spells as well (thanks to being unable to hear themselves talk meaning they may screw up the verbal components to their spells) and Voldermort likewise unable to see him and reduced to firing blindly.… Harry has a decent chance to making it to his pouch, if he has the magic to summon it to him so much the better, if not just run like f*.
Then he needs to tell the pouch to give the king of hearts, and tear it up while holding onto his pouch.
That is how he can escape.
Thoughts/reactions people?